• utafiti@cgiar.org
  • +254204223228 / 3028 / 3077

Joining Utafiti Sacco Society

Thank you for your expression of interest in joining Utafiti Sacco

Download the membership application form here

Membership requirements

  1. Duly filled the Membership application form attach
  2. Attach a copy of ID
  3. Attach a copy of KRA PIN certificate 
  4. Kshs. 1,000 membership fee
  5. A minimum monthly contribution of Kshs. 3,000
  6. Minimum share capital Kshs.20,000 (non-refundable but transferable). This can be build up over time.
  7. Eligible for a loan after three months (3 or 4 times of your savings)
  8. Preferred mode of payments: - Check-off, Standing order, Direct deposits, Account transfers, Mpesa among others